Four Steps Toward Turning Dreams Into Solid Goals

Everyone has goals, or so they say. I ask folks at my seminars, “Who here has goals?” All the attendees raise their hands. Motivational coach Michael Wickett begs to differ: “No, Paul, they don’t have goals. They have dreams,” he explained. “Dreams are in your head. Goals are written down.”

Mike was right. Many people daydream about how their lives will end up, but few people take the time to sit down and form detailed plans to make those dreams reality. The key is to act on our dreams and turn them into solid, achievable goals with specific steps to success.

How to Turn Your Dream Into a Goal

  1. Write it down. The process of writing down our goals forces us to transform our vague desires into concrete objectives.
  2. Be specific. Specific goals compel us to focus our energy and make the best use of our time. Rather than saying, “I want to make my life better,” set specific goals such as, “I want to own a home” or “I want to be happily married.”
  3. Set a measurable goal. If our goals aren’t measurable, we won’t know whether or not we’ve reached them. An example of a measurable goal could be, “I want to lose 15 pounds,” or “I want to sell $2 million worth of products.”
  4. Give your goal a time frame. We must put our goals in terms of time, otherwise we might put them off indefinitely. The time frame for one of your goals could be anywhere from one week to twenty years or more. The important thing is to have a deadline — and stick to it!

Your next step is to do a personal inventory: but what exactly are your goals? You need a clear direction in mind; where you want to see yourself and your team members heading . This helps you maximize your efforts and help figure out what you need from your team.

These questions include:

  • What’s my vision of the future?
  • What’s my definition of success?
  • How do I want others to perceive me in the future — my boss, peers, family, employees, customers, clients?

Take the time to think carefully about your own goals — personal as well as professional. Once you’re certain of what you want, you’ll be better prepared to help your employees decide what they want

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Paul Cherry

For over two decades, sales expert and author PAUL CHERRY has helped B2B sales professionals close more deals in all major industries. As a recognized thought leader in customer engagement strategies, Paul Cherry has been featured in more than 250 publications, including Investor’s Business Daily, Selling Power, Inc., Sales & Marketing Management, The Kiplinger Letter, and Salesforce.

Performance Based Results

Paul Cherry is the president of Performance Based Results. PBR delivers intense, customized sales team training programs and sales management coaching to companies throughout North America. Paul has worked with more than 1,200 organizations, including 175 of the Fortune 500, plus more than a thousand entrepreneurial, small to mid-sized, cutting-edge businesses looking to dominate their niche markets. Clients typically get 7 times their return-on-investment (ROI) or better.

Questions That Sell

Paul Cherry’s top-rated bestseller, Questions That Sell: The Powerful Process for Discovering What Your Customer Really Wants (AMACOM) has been listed on BookAuthority’s “100 Best Sales Books of All Time” and has been published in four languages. He is also the author of Questions That Get Results (Wiley) and The Ultimate Sales Pro (HarperCollins Leadership).
