5) Closing the Sale Training. Gaining Customer Commitment.

All sales professionals know, gaining customer commitment is the number one goal of the entire selling process. But recent research by The Sales Board indicates 64% of salespeople fail to ask for commitment.

Performance Based Results closing-the-sale training wants to improve those statistics. Continuing our Questions That Sell methodology, we are focused on improving closing rates and strengthening sales rep and sales team performance. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of gaining buy-in and commitment through understanding customer needs. This is key in building profitable and sustainable business relationships.

FACT: 64% of salespeople fail to ask for commitment

Gaining Customer Buy-in and Agreement.

Understanding your buyer’s “big-picture” hopes and dreams

  1. Vision Questions — We demonstrate by asking a series of progressive (open-ended) questions — reps can help customers “visualize” a positive outlook — by presenting what’s possible, if they do business with you. Here are two examples:
    1. If we could eliminate that problem you are experiencing — the issue that’s currently costing you $1 million annually — what benefit would that have on your company?
    2. If we could implement that change, what would that enable you to do or achieve?
Gaining commitment and buy-in from customers.

Get customer commitment before going for the close

  1. We teach sales reps methods to recognize the three stages of customer commitment that need to be evaluated before attempting to close.
    1. Should — The customer does not have the desire to change and does not see the need for change.
    2. Want To — The customer wants to change and recognizes the need to change but resists taking action.
    3. Have To — The customer stands ready to make a change and will embrace a solution tailored to the company’s needs.

Four commitments to achieve universal sales success

  1. Commitment to yourself — Our training stresses, “Selling is about educating customers about the value they will receive from purchasing your product or service.” But we show reps how to differentiate their own personal needs from the whole process — then learn how to fulfill those needs.
  2. Commitment to your industry — We show how staying ahead of new technologies and changing markets are critical to success. Techniques that helped close sales in the past may not work today. Constantly striving for knowledge will help sales teams remain focused on customer needs.
  3. Commitment to your company — Our workshops teach salespeople a number of techniques to maintain enthusiasm and allegiance to their own company, while aggressively prospecting outside opportunities. We outline how creating and maintaining strong internal networks is a “win-win” for the company, the customer, and the rep.
  4. Commitment to your customers — Successful sales pros always try to deliver the best to their customers. We instruct reps to be available when problems develop and do everything in their power to act in the customer’s best interests.

Closing-the-sale best practices

  1. Ask more questions — One of the benefits of The Sales Bridge process is the ability to re-visit previous Bridge steps before closing. We demonstrate to reps the appropriate times and circumstances to re-visit:
    1. Planning  to conduct additional industry research that will boost your solution’s value.
    2. Discovery – to gain clearer insights on the customer’s current situation or problem.
    3. Solution – to address new sales obstacles, and how to tweak your solution effectively.
  2. Expand the circle of influence — In the prospect’s organization, in addition to the primary point-person, it’s important for reps to know “who else is involved?” We share techniques to “make contact” with other individuals throughout the prospect’s company. This helps provide a clearer picture of client operations and objectives. And defines the rep as the “go-to” consultant.
  3. Define expectations — We show reps how to ask difficult questions to uncover concerns and reveal expectations a customer may still be harboring (like regarding budget or time-lines). We help sales teams to continually qualify, build genuine rapport, and earn customer trust.
  4. Pitch the solution, not the product — Our training deals extensively with ways to provide prospects with a targeted, holistic solution that fits their business’ unique needs — while not trying to push a product or service that has no clear value.
  5. Handle sales objections — When the buyer still has concerns about price or product fit, we explore methods to pro-actively address, listen, and validate their concerns. Our workshops include numerous practice sessions dealing with sales stalls and roadblocks.
  6. Ask for the sale — Once the sales rep is confident in the solution they’re providing their prospect, it’s time to ask for the business (the sale). We provide sample closing questions and templates (plus conduct role-play exercises) that focus on how to make the customer feel comfortable, so they will communicate freely and move the deal forward — achieving agreement and buy-in.