4) Solution Selling Training. Our B2B Value-Based Sales Approach.

In Solution, sales reps utilize insightful information gathered during the Discovery phase to help create a strategic resolution (or solution) that will ensure customer buy-in and increase closure rates. This process goes beyond standard feature-benefit selling. It establishes a collaboration between the distinct qualities of the salesperson’s service and the unique benefits of the customer’s — while also addressing the business and market challenges of that customer. This solution serves as a win-win value proposition for both parties.

Performance Based Results solution selling training continues our game-changing Question That Sell approach. By asking engaging, open-ended questions to prospects, sales teams can strengthen ongoing customer relationships — and transform from run-of-the-mill vendor to trusted advisor and industry partner!

Sales Bridge #4 – Selling the Solution Training

Lock-on questions – allow reps to tap into customer’s emotions

  1. Lock-on questions — When building value-based solutions, “lock-ons” encourage customers to open up. They provide an effective method to target a particular conversation point, then direct the customer’s attention to that point. Here’s an example:
    • CUSTOMER: We have been trying to get this project off the ground for several months.
    • LOCK-ON QUESTION: I noticed you said the word trying. What has worked so far and what has not?
  2. Well-thought-out training — Our practice sessions will encourage your sales team to develop a smart, knowledgeable lock-on strategy.
Sales professional creating a solution for his prospect.

Qualifying opportunities sales objections, stalls & put-offs

  1. Trapped in “No Man’s Land” — Our training explores techniques that help sales reps evaluate common decision making roadblocks:
    • Let me show this to my boss.
    • Let me run it by my team.
    • I’ll share your ideas with the committee.
  2. Jump-starting opportunities — Our sales workshops review numerous methods and tactics to re-invigorate customer relationships that are “stuck in neutral.”
    1. Knowing when to be firm with customers and when it’s okay to nudge them along.
    2. Dealing with bosses and other decision makers.
    3. Constantly maintaining qualifying practices to evaluate if the opportunity is still valid.
    4. Being aware when customers are giving reps the “runaround” and how to “fight” back.

Getting buy-in for change — upsetting the status quo

  1. We inform sales reps how to recognize the three stages of customer commitment that need to be established during the solution selling process.
    1. Should — The customer does not have the desire to change and does not see the need for change.
    2. Want To — The customer wants to change and recognizes the need to change but resists taking action.
    3. Have To — The customer stands ready to make a change and will embrace a solution tailored to the company’s needs.

Impact questions – getting customers to face their fears and the unknown

  1. Customer’s problems — In our training sessions, we demonstrate how to get customers to articulate a particular problem — to relive it and calculate how it affects the company and themselves. Here are some samples:
    1. How is this problem affecting the bottom line?
    2. How much time do you spend each day dealing with this problem? If you could free up this time, what other tasks would you prefer doing?
    3. How does this problem affect…
      • Sales?
      • Profitability?
      • Scheduling?
      • On-time deliveries?
      • Quality?
      • Production?

Value-based solution selling

  1. Cross-Selling and Up-Selling — We show sales reps the value of broadening their appeal and expanding their product line, while avoiding common pitfalls like feature-dumping and appearing overly-pushy.
  2. The WIIFM Principle — (What’s In It For Me) We guide sales reps to follow this core values credo:

    Think from the prospect’s perspective — never try to sell a customer something they don’t need.

  3. Selling Value over Price — Our workshops use numerous role-play exercises to help reps deal with the constant tug-of-war that occurs when customers can only think of price.