What’s Your Biggest Sales Obstacle?

What’s standing in the way of your next closed sale?

If you’re like many salespeople, you’ve heard a multitude of explanations and excuses for why clients walk away from a deal. Another vendor offers a comparable product at a lower price. The time just isn’t right to make an investment in “something new.” Based on a theoretical case study she prepared in college, your prospect’s third cousin’s wife has advised your prospect to go in a different direction.

Yes, you’ve heard plenty of explanations ranging from understandable to plausible to laughable. It’s easy to follow-up with prospects and overcome their objections in some instances.

But sometimes, it’s not so simple. While you may think counteracting illogical rejections is your biggest challenge, it’s not. Your biggest challenge is overcoming an objection that hasn’t been verbalized.

And it’s your job as a sales professional to rise to this challenge early on in the sales process.

Overcome an Unspoken Objection

You may be wondering, “How can I possibly overcome an objection that hasn’t been shared with me?”  The answer is by asking questions to help you determine if you have a legitimate sales opportunity at hand.

Ask the Right Questions

What kind of questions should you ask to reveal a prospect’s silent objection? Here are a few examples:

  • What concerns, if any, might get in the way of moving forward?
  • What’s the best way to sell this idea to others internally in order to get their buy-in?
  • What’s the potential impact on you and your organization if you decide to put off the decision?
  • What if the problem you identified with me is not corrected? What would the consequences be if things were to continue?

Too often, it’s what prospects don’t tell you that are the biggest obstacle between you and a deal that will benefit you and, more importantly, your prospect.

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Paul Cherry

For over two decades, sales expert and author PAUL CHERRY has helped B2B sales professionals close more deals in all major industries. As a recognized thought leader in customer engagement strategies, Paul Cherry has been featured in more than 250 publications, including Investor’s Business Daily, Selling Power, Inc., Sales & Marketing Management, The Kiplinger Letter, and Salesforce.

Performance Based Results

Paul Cherry is the president of Performance Based Results. PBR delivers intense, customized sales team training programs and sales management coaching to companies throughout North America. Paul has worked with more than 1,200 organizations, including 175 of the Fortune 500, plus more than a thousand entrepreneurial, small to mid-sized, cutting-edge businesses looking to dominate their niche markets. Clients typically get 7 times their return-on-investment (ROI) or better.

Questions That Sell

Paul Cherry’s top-rated bestseller, Questions That Sell: The Powerful Process for Discovering What Your Customer Really Wants (AMACOM) has been listed on BookAuthority’s “100 Best Sales Books of All Time” and has been published in four languages. He is also the author of Questions That Get Results (Wiley) and The Ultimate Sales Pro (HarperCollins Leadership).
