WILLIAM JAMES, The Father of Modern Psychology, stated that — people don’t just want appreciation, they crave it.
The way to reinforce and solidify a customer relationship is:
Find a way to pay a compliment to your customer.
How? Talk to their peers or counterparts. Google them.
Go into social media and discover instances where your customer may have been recognized:
- They received an award.
- They accomplished something.
- They got a promotion.
- They were tasked with a new project.
- They were involved in a new product launch.
- They are giving back to their community.
- They are celebrating a job anniversary.
Keep it real
Then reach out to that customer — and give them, A GENUINE COMPLIMENT.
Celebrate! Get excited!
And as a result, you’ll be on the inside track to gain that customer’s attention. You’ll become the ultimate sales pro.